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Monday, May 17, 2010
I am one of the many right thinking Americans who voted for Barrack Obama, believing that he was going to be the agent of "Change" only to find he's pretty much like every other politician out there. Take this oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico;What has Obama done to stop the leak? NOTHING! He was on TV a couple days go complaining about "the Blame game" that BP, Haliburton and the rest are playing. Did he offer a solution? No, of course not! He's a good complainer. We all saw that during the campaign. We continue to see him complaining and not working on the problems that are a threat to this country.
Anyone can complain about this situation, the Network News anchors have that job covered, and they are very good at the job here lately. The alleged comedians that pretend to be journalists are backing them up too, even though they aren't very funny while they do it. It's hard to make 5000 barrels leaking into the ocean every day into a joke. For President Obama the time for talking has long passed, and it's time for action. The oil is supposedly going to be carried by a current into the Atlantic Ocean, which sounds kind of semi-seriously wrong. What is Obama doing? NOTHING! If W had been this lax during Hurricane Katrina, the media would have blistered him worse then they did, hard as that would be to imagine.
For quite some time, I've forgotten why I voted for Obama, and I think he did too! I didn't vote for Obamacare, empty words, and politics as usual, but that's what I got!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
John Lennon once said "Life is what happens while you're making other plans" or some such thing. Death can be that way too. One of my high school classmates died. Some say that Todd, the classmate, died too young. That may be true, but then to me so did Grandad. The truth is that the real tragedy was that he had a wife and 4 kids who miss him very much. Todd's passing will impact their lives for a good while. Todd had cancer, so it's good his suffering is ended. Still his family would rather he had been delivered through it rather than by it, but that's life. I guess we have to trust that God knows what he's doing. So it looks like I got a funeral to go to.
Before that, there will be a family reunion of sorts as my Aunt and Uncle from Texas will be in Highmore to see Grandma. They are en route today, and will be visiting tomorrow and leaving Thursday, jut in time for the funeral I gotta go to. so it appears that I'll be leaving Kornfield county sometime tomorrow for Hyde County. I had planned to go to Summer Worship tomorrow night, but that's life!

Friday, May 07, 2010
It would appear that I'm not as dumb as I've been led to believe. The fourth of the four classes I took this spring, ENG 275, has just reported that I got an A in that class. That was quite a shock to my system. God has indeed been watching out for me.
And so, as for what happens next, who knows. I'm too tired to think that far ahead. I'll just take a nap by that proverbial fork in the road and make a decision later on.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

It's a sunny day in mid spring, too nice to be indoors, so I went outside to read this year's issue of "Prairie Winds" a magazine that used to be part of the Tumbleweed, The yearbook of DWU which has since been discontinued. The poem on page 5 is my favorite,not because my former editor Brandy wrote it, but because it's amazing!
Colin Duffy took this photo, and then gave me a copy. Colin is going to China this summer and if he lives through that, he will be working in Omaha for Wells Fargo, the official bank of the Jerry Hinkle Program.
I saw "Nightmare on Elm Street" last night. For a remake it wasn't so bad. There was none of the gratuitous nudity and sex that was in the original movie. This is the 9th film with the character of Freddy Kruger. Every time they kill him he comes back. So how do you kill Freddy? I figured it out 20 years ago. Don't go to those movies and Freddy will go away. This trick worked with Pauly Shore, and Tom Green, so no reason it won't get rid of Freddy. Let's try that with Shrek while we're at it!
I bought my first Jessica Simpson CD, "Irresistible". Let's just say that it doesn't live up to the name. The tunes are catchy, but Jessica lacks a certain vocal ability. I guess she looks better than she sounds.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010
With 3 of the 4 courses that I, your courageous dynamic Host took in the Spring Term at DWU reporting, it would appear that the graduation ceremony is legal and binding.
In History, I got a 93.1
In Political Thought, a class that I slept through a lot and did some of my poorest writing in after my former Phreno editor, Brandy left the class, I got a 90.1
My religion class was my biggest shock. and at 96.9, my best grade this spring.
At this time I was unable to access the grade report for the Journalism class. My guess is that it is the lowest of the 4, but then I thought I was going to fail the religion class as well, so we'll see. It doesn't matter though, i have the required credits, and upper level credits to graduate, so it's all good!

When I was growing up in the 70's Proctor and Gamble (P&G) produced many of the bear necessities of life. Peanut butter, cooking oil, detergent, and many other laundry and soap products. they even produced the first Soap Opera, "The Guiding Light". That Soap Opera, and the others that P&G produced promoted those products, and made loyal customers of homemakers like my Granny, Bergit Hinkle, who had Ivory Soap in the bathroom; Ivory liquid by the kitchen sink; Tide, Cheer and Clorox in the laundry room; and she was one of the choosy mother's who chose Jif to feed her grandchildren when they came over.
"As The World Turns" will end it's run, and with it the era of almost 74 years of P&G Soap Operas on radio and television. Sleazy talk shows and cheesy game shows are taking the place of what has become known as the Daytime Drama. Interestingly enough, on May 1, as I was graduating from DWU, veteran actress Helen Wagner, who played on both The first and the last P&G Soap Operas Died at age 91. It's sad that we will never see her on TV again, even her worst storyline was better than anything Springer, Oprah or that pant load, Dr. Phil, dreamed up.
So long Helen! We on this World will miss you as Nancy! I hope you are in a better "World" that will never be cancelled!

Monday, May 03, 2010
It's been a good while since I last exercised my hosting duties here! A lot has happened. After tending to a lot of last minute details, I have graduated from DWU. Final Grades will be posted tomorrow, so that will make it official. The only way I could not graduate is if I failed my Religion class and 2 of the 3 other classes that i took in the Spring.
It has been quite a 3 year adventure. I had to get used to the big city lifestyle, and the students faculty and staff at DWU had to get used to me. I will miss many of the people at DWU. Some may even miss me.
It was nice having most of my family right there along with me. My Grandma, Agnes Hahn, was not feeling well enough to travel down to Mitchell, and was worried she'd be in the way. She turned 92 yesterday. I called her last night, and she sounds just as strong as ever.
So now, I close the door to on one chapter of my life 2 other doors and a window are opening up. We'll see how things pan out.

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