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Holabird Advocate

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Monday, May 17, 2010
I am one of the many right thinking Americans who voted for Barrack Obama, believing that he was going to be the agent of "Change" only to find he's pretty much like every other politician out there. Take this oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico;What has Obama done to stop the leak? NOTHING! He was on TV a couple days go complaining about "the Blame game" that BP, Haliburton and the rest are playing. Did he offer a solution? No, of course not! He's a good complainer. We all saw that during the campaign. We continue to see him complaining and not working on the problems that are a threat to this country.
Anyone can complain about this situation, the Network News anchors have that job covered, and they are very good at the job here lately. The alleged comedians that pretend to be journalists are backing them up too, even though they aren't very funny while they do it. It's hard to make 5000 barrels leaking into the ocean every day into a joke. For President Obama the time for talking has long passed, and it's time for action. The oil is supposedly going to be carried by a current into the Atlantic Ocean, which sounds kind of semi-seriously wrong. What is Obama doing? NOTHING! If W had been this lax during Hurricane Katrina, the media would have blistered him worse then they did, hard as that would be to imagine.
For quite some time, I've forgotten why I voted for Obama, and I think he did too! I didn't vote for Obamacare, empty words, and politics as usual, but that's what I got!

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