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Holabird Advocate

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Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Publisher May go Back to Radio
One of the things that Jerry Hinkle has dreamed about was getting a job with KORN and bringing "Hee Haw" back. Well, that's not happening, but there is a local radio station (not KORN) that is looking for a part time person. This just might be the chance to bring back the "Jerry Hinkle Program", the most talked about radio program in Holabird, but only if Jerry was talking about it. So Jerry has an application and is filling it out as best he can.
We will not be releasing any details of this job until and unless Jerry actually gets it. In the event Jerry does get the job, he plans on staying with the Hut, since he's only on three days a week there now anyhow. They have shown an amazing amount of flexibility for his schedule. Please all do be prayerful about this opportunity. Of course, if he doesn't get it, it's not the end of the world, just the end of a dream!
DRG Goes To Highmore
It has come to our attention that the Dakota Radio Group went to Highmore on their Hometown Tour. This makes the second time they've done so. This year they were at Kaiser Welding. Last year we believe it was Venture Communications, at least as best as we can recall. The Dakota Radio Group has never been to Holabird that we can recall. They really should stop by, as there is quite a lot to see, if you know where to look. We hear a new house has been built in Holabird.
On the good side, all of us here at the Holabird Advocate were glad to hear that the consolidation that would have closed the FSA office in Highmore has been avoided thus far. We hope that it continues to be so.
North of 40 :Good by comparison
by Red Green
I think it's a good idea to surround yourself with things that are the same age as you are. Not just friends and loved ones, but houses and cars and almost anything really. You may think you're in rough shape, but not compared to that baby carriage that was bought on the day you were born. Or the TV. Or the lawnmower. If you want to feel better about yourself, go to an old guy's yard sale, and pick up a few banged up rusty items that are the same age as you. You'll look so good beside them. But stay away from anything that's been restored. Things your age that look good will only give your wife dangerous ideas.

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