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Holabird Advocate

Providing all the news we see fit to print since 2002!

Friday, April 13, 2007
Highmore Public Meeting Informs
An Estimated 350 people packed the Hyde County Memorial Auditorium last night. South Dakota’s Farm Service Agency Director, Steve Cutler heard the concerns and answered questions as best he could. Among the local who gave questions and comments were Todd Yeaton and Barry Alger from the Highmore City Council, Larry Kerr Chairman of the Hyde County Commissioners, John Sleger of the Highmore Booster Club, as well as local businessmen Jan Busse and Dwight Gutzmer. Among the actual farm operators who asked questions were Gary Haiwick, Steve Jessen, Dan Knox, and Harlan Smith
Not all of those present were local. Representative Dale Hargens was there from Miller. Also from Hand County was Jim Iverson, whose comments were met with a standing ovation. the prize for greatest distance travelled could well go to Paul Lindstrom of Sturgis. He demonstrated that the consolidation plan Mr. Cutler was proposing is pretty much universally disliked. Our Publisher looks forward to hearing from Mr. Lindstrom in greater detail in the future.
There was quite a bit of media attention. KSFY television was there, as was Roger Kasa from the Plainsman. Even our good friend Del "Country Fish" Fisher was there. Fisher was the only member of the media to speak at the public meeting, and his comments were well received by the crowd. All of us here at the Holabird advocate were so impressed by his oratory that we've set our radio dials in the home office to the Dakota Radio group full time. Sorry BOB-FM!
This morning, The Dakota Radio Group reported that after some study, Cutler sent this plan to Washington, D.C., which proposes closing FSA offices in Dupree, Timber Lake, Kadoka, White River, Highmore, Woonsocket and Mound City. Since Cutler’s plan was announced, public meetings have been held in some of those communities, where Cutler has defended his cost-cutting proposal. Once federal officials review the plan, Cutler says additional meetings will be scheduled and a final report is written on how best to streamline the agency within the state. You can here a couple of their sound bytes and some other things on this web page: http://www.dakotaradiogroup.com/mydailynews/MDNFridayApril_13.htm
Changes At Prairie Deacon Media
Were doing some consolidating of our own here at the Holabird Advocate the blog "War on Cancer" has been inactive for a month and it has been decided to cancel it. This cancellation happened effective last Monday. Nobody complained, and that was the problem. This doesn't mean the "War" is over. The battlefield is just moving to the Holabird Advocate.
Also we will be trying something new, starting next Friday. Anyone who is so inclined can submit an editorial to our Publisher as publisher@gmail.com and if it passes our standards of decency, you'll see it on the Holabird Advocate's Front Page on our new "Open Line Friday" segment. Our one big rule is, of course, no profanity. What the ____were we thinking when we made that rule?
Publisher's Number Up
Jerry Hinkle, courageous dynamic Publisher of the Holabird Advocate has received a summons for Jury Duty for the term of July-December of 2007. Needless to say, he is thrilled to do his patriotic chore, since he hasn't served jury duty for about 9 years. He does hope that he will be chosen quickly in the event he is accepted at DWU.
Am I Smarter Than A 5th Grader?
by Jerry Hinkle
courageous dynamic Publisher
of the Holabird Advocate
Jeff Foxworthy hosts a show that has been getting a lot of buzz here in Hyde County and elsewhere lately. We are, through the magic of TV, transported back into school children. That special time where we had no bills, no responsibility, and our biggest fear was the big pop quiz in science. We're back in the 5th grade with a group of 10-11 year old kids who are, in fact, actual 5th graders. There we will be in the spotlight to show off our ignorance in all it's bliss.
When I first heard of this show, I thought perhaps that these were gifted children like my nephew, Justin. Boy was I wrong! They are just your average school kids. They can be wrong, and sometimes they are.
Jeff Foxworthy, whose father walked with him to school because-well, you know why-is the host and "Teacher" of this show, which brought to you by Mark Burnett, creator of such reality bytes as "Survivor" and "The Apprentice". Burnett will have a lot to answer for if this show really catches on. After all, what happens when 5th graders from all over the country find out that the crap that the teacher shoves down their throat day after day is of absolutely no use to them in the future at all.
You see, I consider myself to be of above average intelligence. I watched an episode of this show, and I really kicked the bucket. So, am I smarter than a 5th grader? Not according to the King of Rednecks. But I can honestly say that when I was in the 5th grade, I was a boy genius. I was so smart, really too smart for my own good. Over the years, by brain has been getting soft. The things I learned back then did not stay with me. On the other hand i know things that those snotty little brats haven't even thought of. That makes us all just about even. Doesn't it?

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