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Holabird Advocate

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Saturday, April 15, 2006
VOL. V Issue 4J
Countdown to Easter
The traditional Easter Sunday is tomorrow. Interestingly enough, it is also the real birthday of Jesus, but that's another matter. That doesn't happen every year.
The Hinkle's are getting ready to celebrate something tomorrow. It won't be as festive as previously reported. When Cousin Curt Neuharth told Harold Hinkle the menu, he was taken aback. Harold insisted that instead of turkey, ham, and turkey ham, he wants chicken, pork loin and the turkey ham set aside for E.E. Hinkle's evening vittles.
So the food is getting less, but the guest list keeps growing. Ken and Joyce Ferris were invited for noon vittles (which will be around 1 pm, 1:30 at the latest). Time will tell if they get here for that or not. Also slated to arrive is Jamie Pothast's boyfriend. Jerry Hinkle always asks just how ugly his niece's boyfriend is. If the Good Lord is willing, he'll find out soon.
Anyone in the Holabird Area is welcome to come over for evening vittles to pick over the leftovers. There will be leftovers! It IS a biblical principle!
Belated Birthday Wishes
It turns out that besides Hunter Mees having his 8th birthday, yesterday was Brigette Nemec's Sweet 16th. Does that mean she's sweet? We'll let her mom and dad field that question. But according to the laws of the great State of South Dakota, Brigette can operate a motor vehicle without parental supervision (consent is another matter, but that's not our worry). So a big congrats to Brigette. It's just too bad she has to pay $2.79/gallon at the gas pump, eh!
More about the EPIC Flash
by Jerry Hinkle
Holabird Advocate Publisher
After watching the EPIC 2014 Flash, and the sequel, EPIC 2015, I just can't wait for the future. There are a few things I missed in the original report, but still, it's a wonderful vision.
First of all, I need to make a correction. It isn't Google that becomes "Big Brother", but Googlezon. A combination of Google and Amazon.com. Secondly, I'm not quite sure that these things will pan out. After all, the Government broke Standard Oil, and AT&T. There is no way that they'd OK Googlezon. It'll depend on how President Hillary feels that day, I guess.
That part about making the news relevant struck home with me. After all, in today's world some TV markets run Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune in the network news time slots because of bottom line issues. CBS has even canned Bob Schieffer in favor of Katie Couric to trick younger people into watching the news.
When all is said and done, the only thing we can do about 2014-15 is to wait and see what really happens when we wake up on December 31, 2014 and look around. Until then, don't ever sell your stock in Google.

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