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Holabird Advocate

Providing all the news we see fit to print since 2002!

Thursday, August 11, 2005
VOL. IV Issue 8H
New Record For Holabird Advocate
The Holabird Advocate Circulation Department has reported that yesterday we set a new record of 59 hits. This surpasses the earlier record of 51 hits that was set last month. Of course, it's not the quantity of Readers that we care about, but the quality. We'd like to think that our Readers are the best. They must be if they read us.
Holabird Advocate Brings Family Together
Our Publisher received a G-mail from his distant cousin, Judy Haiwick from California. As it happens she is an industrial engineer at Northrop Grumman. She checks the Holabird Advocate every morning while she is waiting for her charts to come up. It's a nice way to start the day, For her anyway. Her only complaint that she had for our Publisher is that there is not enough Haiwick news. Jerry Hinkle countered that there aren't enough Haiwicks.
To remedy the lack of news, she told him that her sister, Ruth Myrvold, has a granddaughter, Bethanie. It seems that she and her family are leaving for Stavanger, Norway this month, where Bethanie's husband will teach music at the International School on a two-year contract. Stavanger, of course, is the port from which both Bethanie's great-great grandparents Knute and Gunda Haiwick immigrated. They'll have 2 years to figure out why Knute and Gunda left for America. Maybe things have improved since 1889.
Closer to Holabird, it has come to our attention that Gary Haiwick's grandkids really did the family proud at the Hyde County 4-H Achievement Days. LaKessiah Rodman took the Reserve Champion Senior Sheep Showmanship award. Nicholas Haiwick won in the Junior division. Nathan Haiwick did so in the Beginners division. One can only imagine how Proud Grandpa Gary is of his progeny, and rightly so.
Are We in the Middle Ages?
by Jerry Hinkle, Publisher
Holabird Advocate
It was the great comedian, W.C. Fields, who in his famous "Temperance Lecture" once said something of the following: "Throughout the Middle Ages, the use of liquor was universal! Drunkeness was so common, that it was unnoticed!". He closed that routine with, "Don't say you can't stop drinking! It's easy! I've done it 1000 times"
This statement may seem funny to some, but I don't find it so funny anymore. A man that I know told me that he took his daughter to the Keystone Center in Canton. It's a famous place. Many folks from here used to refer to going to that facility as "taking the cure". I hope for this man's daughter, that it takes.
He also told me something that surprised me. All of the people who know about his situation tell him of a relative of theirs going through that same problem. Is the use of liquor really that big of a problem? Is there a family that is not effected by demon drink? I'd be hard pressed to answer anything but "YES" to the first question, and "NO" to the second. Indeed even in my own family, I know damage that has been done. I don't find this problem the least bit funny. If any of you Readers have a family member with this problem, pray for them. They need it. Do whatever you can do to help them stay in control of their sickness. It will help if they wish to be free of it, so start there. Once you'd done all you can do, leave it up to God. I wish I had an easy answer, but I don't. You find someone who does, and I'll give them all the blog space they can handle. Until then, just keep the faith. It may take awhile, but I believe it can happen. If your loved one wants it good enough, it will happen too.

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