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Holabird Advocate

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
VOL. IV Issue 8G
Two New Interesting Readers For Holabird Advocate
There are two distinct groups of people who have discovered the Holabird Advocate. The first is the defense contractor Northrup-Grumann. All of us here at the Holabird Advocate hope that we give them enough inspiration to keep on doing it for America. The other group is the environmentaldefense.org group. We may have to check those guys out a little closer. We may add them to our free links page. Like every small town, we have to check out the new neighbor before you invite them in the house.
Memo to ABC: OK, He's Dead, Move On!
by Buster Brock ,
Holabird Advocate Managing Editor
Peter Jennings death was reported Sunday night. It has been reported over and over again since then. ABC, I'm sure that everyone who wants to know has already found out. Can you tone it down a bit? I mean really! Isn't this kinda overkill? I mean no disrespect to the man. I'm sure he lives up to the send off you have given him. Still, there are other issues that need to be given time on the news. This is just what you did to John Ritter. Did we need to be constantly reminded of his death? NO! We knew he was dead, and didn't need your constant reminders that he was no longer with us. It's the same here. Both Jennings and Ritter left us much too soon. In that great tradition of leaving the people wanting more, he was a success. But he have departed from the world. Jennings needs to be left alone to rest in peace, and so do we.
A Few Words in Defense of PBS
by Jerry Hinkle, Publisher
Holabird Advocate
It's that time once again. SDPTV is doing their fundraising bit. I love this time of year, all those pledge specials. Music, Red Green, and begging for pledges! I don't know why I enjoy it so, but I do. There's just something about limousine liberals getting all dressed up to beg for money that I just dig the most.
I used to be bothered by the fact that PBS gets a government subsidy. But, then I realized that the farmers get a subsidy from the government for the same reason that PBS does. If the American people had to pay the farmers what it cost to grow their food, only those rich enough to get tax cuts would be able to afford it.
That's how it is with PBS. Here in South Dakota it costs $35/year for a basic membership. For just $35, I can watch Red Green, Hyacinth Bucket, Motorweek, Wake up Calgary, and Mr. Rogers. That's only $7/show. It only costs $7 to keep Mr. Rogers alive on SDPTV. How sweet is it that Mr. Rogers gets paid after his death? Nice work if you can get it, eh! Now if I had to pay what it really costs to crank out those shows, that would pretty much break me, as it would a lot of other folks, I reckon.
So, if you like PBS, make a pledge! Some folks don't do that you know. Last I heard, only 1 out of 7 people that watch PBS make a pledge to support the programs. But it's only $35/year. If your like me, and have those 5 shows that you like, that's only $7/show. Maybe some of you out there have more than 5 PBS shows that you like. Then it's cheaper yet. So what are you waiting for? Make a pledge, already! Give until it feels good, Ya'll !

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