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Holabird Advocate

Providing all the news we see fit to print since 2002!

Monday, August 01, 2005
VOL. IV Issue 8A
E.E. Hinkle Ventures Out
For the first time since turning 103, E.E. Hinkle left his home and went into Highmore to church. Quite a few folks were glad to see him out and about. E.E. Managed to stay awake during the service, but was hoping to get a chance to say something, and was disappointed that he hadn't had the chance. "Well, there's always next time!", Jerry Hinkle told him. Mary Hinkle said that this may be the last time he goes to church, but it was pointed to her out that none of are promised next week, or even tomorrow. We all just do the best we can.
Holabird to Welcome the Deaf
The Holabird Chamber of Commerce has decided to open it's doors to the development to their deaf and hard of hearing community. They have heard that there is a group that South Dakota's answer to Clarence Darrow, Todd Epp is representing that don't want a deaf community around because cows and pigs stink. We're sure there's more to his case, but that's all we're privy to right now. The Chamber is more than willing for Mr. Epp to nose around Holabird looking for any stink. Actually the only problem with the Holabird metropolitan area is the 20 free range turkeys that the Hyde County Zoning Board can't seem to get rid of. Passing semi trucks have not had that problem, however.
Opening up the G-mail Bag
by Jerry Hinkle,
Holabird Advocate Publisher
The Holabird Advocate G-mail Account has 103 MB of stored content. There area couple things that I felt needed to be addressed. First, a warning about the dialing "90#" if someone asks you to. It is said if this happens to you, be advised to not only refuse, but hang up at once. After checking this out, I have discovered that there is a certain element that can really screw up a phone bank if this is done. This is primarily because there are some places where one has to dial "9" to get an outside line. Private telephones are not in any known danger, but it is always better to be safe than sorry.
Secondly, Patrick from Pierre asks, "Jerry,... What's the relationship between you and the 'Ditty Bops' ? Help me understand it."! Well, Patrick, I'm a little confused about that one myself, but here goes: See I attended the "Prairie Home Companion" radio show at the Corn Palace in Mitchell. The Ditty Bops were performing at the show, and I've been a fan ever since. In fact, I will play some music from The Ditty Bops on a future "Jerry Hinkle Program". I would have done so today but the cell phone signal gets interference from the AC. With 96 degree weather outside, I think the program can wait for a spell.
If anyone has a question or a comment about the Holabird Advocate or our related enterprises, feel free to send a G-mail to me at publisher@gmail.com and I'll read it, you may get it printed, and if your really lucky, I'll write back to you. Be patient though. I wade through a lot of requests for me to put foreign money in my bank account, and read them when I need a laugh.
SDBWM has new project already
On Saturday, it was reported to the Holabird that the nationally famous SDBWM does in fact have a new project. We have been told some of the details, but not everything. It's just enough to know that he won't be coming here. As for what the new venture is, we aren't going to say. We're just saying we know what it is, and he'll tell you the rest when he's darn good and ready.
Red Green Proposal Rejected
It seems that with South Dakota War College Professor trying to move to Brookings (Good luck with that, Prof.) it will not be feasible for the South Dakota Bloggers to recreate the Red Green Show. The news isn't all bad, as we found out that Pierre's Possum Lodge is a bar. A bar in which few of the goings on should be televised.

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