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Holabird Advocate

Providing all the news we see fit to print since 2002!

Saturday, March 26, 2005
VOL. IV Issue 3S
Busy Vigil Saturday For Ponderosa
Tis the day before Easter in Holabird. Mary Hinkle has had her hands full watching grandkids and baking Sour Cream Raisin Pie. Harold Hinkle tried to get a nap, but the kids had other ideas. The only one sleeping was E.E. Hinkle, who could sleep through nuclear war. Brittany Hinkle painted pictures with the computer, while little sister Shelby Hinkle did it the old fashioned way, with a brush and paper. Justin Hinkle spent most of the day swinging. Darrel Hinkle picked up his kids after checking cows. He's had a pretty good start so far on that. Everyone is eagerly anticipating the church services with Agnes Hahn's Ham afterward. Jerry Hinkle hasn't made Easter plans. A lot of that will have to do with what the folks around him has in mind. "I just listen for my name and follow orders", He says. At any rate, all of us at the Holabird Advocate wish all of you readers out there in Bloggerland a happy Easter Day.
Anne Hansen Recovering From 3rd Degree Burns
That was some hot coffee that Anne Hansen got a hold of last Sunday. It was reported that she received third degree burns on her stomach and legs. She was hearing polyester at the time, which as we understand it, didn't exactly help things any. Her recovery is slow, but sure. Anne, as always goes with God. As bad as this episode has been, it could have been worse. Keep up the good work, Anne! It only hurts for a little while.
Nasty Forum Post Gets Deleted
Someone thought it would be funny to post a link t a free porn site on the "Vital Social Issues "N Stuff" page of the Holabird Advocate. This is a violation of the "Keep it short and keep it clean" rule. This post of questionable origin and poor taste was forthwith removed. It better not happen again. Remember there are FBI agents reading this Newsblog.
G-mail Keeps Coming
The total amount of G-mail for The Holabird Advocate is 34 MB. Several of the Readers sent us Easter greetings. The Hip Hop Bunny Rabbit known as "Easter B" was our favorite. "Hoppy Easter!" indeed. Funny stuff! Keep it up! We only have 966 MB to go now.

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