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Holabird Advocate

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Saturday, July 26, 2003
VOL. II Issue 7R
George and Mavis Kennedy made their way home Friday. It seems that Mavis decided it was time to go despite promising to stay for a week. For those remaining it was back to the old routine once again.
by Hiram Gonagan
Because Summer time is fun time, Kristi Hinkle took her three kids Brittany, Shelby, and Justin to the Black Hills of South Dakota. The Pigtail Highway was scary for the group because of all of the old people with RVs taking up the road, but both Shelby and Justin enjoyed the Bedrock City Park in Custer. The vacation was cut short because the apartment that Kristi's father lives in doesn't have AC. Temps in the Black Hills area have reached from 109-112 in spots for the past few days.
Sydney Goehring is becoming an international soccer star despite a broken arm earlier in the year that has since healed. Sydney is playing soccer in beautiful Brandon, Manitoba Canada. The weather in that area is wonderful so far. Her first game was sceduled for this morning at 9:30. She will play 3 games today. Sounds like an all day event. Good Luck Sydney Girl!!!!
When Joyce Ferris got to the Ponderosa Pines Old Age Assistance Home, she was in a great deal of pain. She was taking meals in her bedroom and forget about that long walk to the rest room. She got off to a slow start, breaking a rib her third day, but she has proceeded to both look and feel better. She is able to get around slowly, she still can't lift very much weight. She will be going to the doctor in Pierre on the first of August for a check-up.

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