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Holabird Advocate

Providing all the news we see fit to print since 2002!

Friday, February 01, 2002
VOL. I Issue 2A
editorial notes from the Publisher
All of us at The Holabird Advocate are pleased with the progress we've made with the paper since we started just 1 month ago.Some of the readers have complained that it's too different.Some non-readers are sad that they're not able to read it because of computer glitches or they are only allowed to use the internet for work alone.So if you are allowed to use the computer on the job to read this,do your courageous,dynamic Publisher a favor by giving 110% to your work when not reading The Holabird Advocate.Perhaps it could become required reading at your place of business.
Jerry Hinkle,Publisher of The Holabird Advocate,roomed with his 99 year old grandfather, E.E. Hinkle.If only someone had a video camera for that.It's a well known fact that that the old boy likes things nice and neat in the house,while Jerry is the exact oppisite of Mr. Clean.The only complaint known to us is that Jerry coughed all night long.Jerry wondered why anyone has to live with him as he is strong enough to go about on his own.And to think the nursing home want's to charge $2000/month for the nothing that Jerry did for free last night.It's not known if Jerry will go back in the future,but all of us at The Holabird Advocate think he should suck it up and do it and not force Harold and Mary to give up their regular routine.Of course a sensible thing like that is asking an awful lot of that family.

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