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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fifty is Nifty by Jerry Hinkle

      It has been a busy week for me. So busy that I see that I missed Father's day! But I have some time between that and my parents anniversary to say a few things. I have mentioned, on occasion in the past, that, at least by my perception, that I had it rough growing up. I must say that I've noticed as I get older my perception has altered slightly. As rough as that time was,I was not alone. We all experience that.
     My Dad did not spoil me, but he did not neglect me either. As he was not perfect nor I. In fact, I was a constant source of disappointment to him. But we both did our dead level best to deal with things as they were. As I look back, I can honestly say that had I been in his place, I'd have done like he did. We each have to take the bad with the good. In the eyes of the world, my dad may not be much. After all, he's only had an 8th grade education, and he only grew up to be a farmer and rancher, but he is more. It's true his education didn't take him far, but he was still able to put on the uniform of this great country and he served this great country honorably, as only a true Hinkle can. While serving, in Germany, he was selected to be an escort to the Burgermeister's daughter. Not bad!
     He also married well! So well that he and my mother will be celebrating 50 years together. Was he a perfect husband? I suspect he was as perfect as his bride. He may not have brought candy and flowers to her twice a year, but he darn sure never smacked her in the face for burning dinner. Real love is not thinking the other person is perfect. It's knowing the other person is flawed, but overlooking those flaws, hoping they will do the same. Now 50 years is hardly a record, but it's a good start and better than most.  They've done their friends family and neighbors proud. If the Lord is willing, they'll keep on doing just that. God be with you and do the best you can!

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