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Holabird Advocate

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hunter Bork Dies at 23

     It was reported and confirmed yesterday that Hunter Bork lost his second battle with cancer. He was 23. His brave fight won him the admiration of all who knew him, and several more that didn't. Even though he attended DWU at roughly the same time as our Publisher, none of us here at the Holabird Advocate knew that much about him. Losing one leg to cancer did not prevent him from becoming a successful part of the DWU track and field team. All of us here at the Holabird Advocate send our best thoughts wishes and prayers to his family at this difficult time. 

Publisher to Audition for Musical

     As if life wasn't hard enought for the good people of the Mitchell Area Community Theatre, Holabird Advocate Publisher, Jerry Hinkle is going to be auditioning for "Grease" the ACT summer musical tonight. Hopefully everyone who couldn't make it, as was the case with Jerry, will make it to tonight's auditions.
     As mentioned previously, ever since playing an audience member in Xanadu, Jerry's feet have been itching to get back on stage. Only about half of us here at the Holabird Advocate think auditioning for a musical is a good idea. After all, Jerry can't sing and doesn't dance. When the director finds that out, it'll be all over for him. Still, as one of the greatest actors of his generation, Jerry may be able to fake it!

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