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Holabird Advocate

Providing all the news we see fit to print since 2002!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Rain Rain, Like a Hurricane

     Around 11pm last night Mitchell had a brief, but productive thunderstorm. Lightning shut the electricity down at the Ramada while our Publisher was there after a hard night's work. The back-up generators kicked in almost instantly, while a total of a half inch of rain fell, most of it came down in the space of 5 minutes. Strong winds came with the storm as well. Thankfully there was no hail.

Publisher Goes Flat

     Sometimes Holabird Advocate Publisher, Jerry Hinkle has to seek out adventure in order to have something to write about on the Front Page. When he seeks adventure, sometimes he finds it. Other times it finds him. That's what happened this morning.
     Jerry was on his way to the home office when he heard an unmistakable sound of a tire blowout. Jerry very carefully sought out a parking lot that was level to inspect the damage. Jerry suspects that the seal was blown on the left drivers side tire. After standing there in disbelief for a spell, Since there was nobody else around to so so, Jerry went right to work changing the tire. It was the first time that Jerry did so by himself. The jack that came with the car works rather nicely. The whole operation took a while but Jerry got the job done, as hard as it was. Good thing he was in the big city travelling at 25 mph rather than the middle of nowhere going 60 mph and that level ground was easily accessible. That could have been a mess! As it is, the only damage done was to the tire, and his shoulders.

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