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Holabird Advocate

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Winter Makes Comeback

It's snowing and blowing in Kornfield County, as Winter Storm Mordecai continues to make his way through the countryside. The weather man says we could be in for as much as 3 inches today and tonight up until 1 am tomorrow morning. The Sioux Falls area is actually getting the brunt of the storm. Meanwhile back at the Ponderosa, Mary Hinkle is looking for airplane tickets to Honolulu. All of us here at the Holabird Advocate have one question. Where is Spring?

DWU Names New President

    It was just announced that Amy Novak, DWU’s current provost and executive vice president, was named the new president of Dakota Wesleyan University. Brad Pratt, chairman of the Board of Trustees, came to campus today and made the announcement following chapel services. Amy is the university’s 20th president, and first female president. Novak replaces Dr. Robert "Bob" Duffet who has held the job for about 13 years, which must be a record! Dr. Duffet has taken another position at a university out east in the Philadelphia neighborhood . All of us here at the Holabird Advocate wish everyone well in their new positions! Both Universities will well served!

The Answer My Friend is 42 by Jerry Hinkle

I go to movies about as often as grandma burnt her cookies, but I'd heard so many good things about it, that I walked on down to the Luxury Cinema to check it out. Right away, I caught that the movie was "Based on a true story" so I knew they'd get some facts wrong. Armed with that knowledge, I had so much more fun.
For me, Harrison Ford stole the show. I hope the members of the Academy were paying attention, but we won't know that until Oscar time! Ford deserves at least to be nominated for his role as Branch Rickey. It was also quite a change for me to root for the hero of a movie by not wanting him to fight. The film really does show, a somewhat, if you'll pardon the expression, white-washed version of Robinson's first year in MLB. One imagines that his experience was much worse in real life.
     As previously mentioned, the film is based on real life events. I only caught 2 mistakes: a road-sign declaring "Interstate 44" despite the fact that the road system was not created until much later. Also, they had a Hank Williams song playing in the shower a full year before it was recorded! Bottom line, the movie was well worth the $8 admission! Any fan of Baseball, Harrison Ford, or both need to see it. I'm glad I did!
God be with you and do the best you can!

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