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Holabird Advocate

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Winter Storm Mordecai Moves East

     Kornfield County is in a Winter Storm advisory until Noon on Friday. At press time, it's cloudy and 35 degrees. Be that as it may, the weatherman tells us we could get an inch of snow today, and as much as two inches tonight. Snow is being reported in Hyde County at press time, and those who are driving are doing so very slowly. All of us here at the Holabird Advocate will be saying a prayer for all of those baby calves on the ground.

SS Finds "suspicious substance" in Obama Letter

     It's been reported that the Secret Service found a suspicious substance that was found to be a toxin known as ricin in a letter to the President. Another such letter was found that was addressed to a Mississippi Senator that none of us here at the Holabird Advocate have ever heard of before. Hopefully whoever is doing this isn't going to make a habit out of it!

Putting the MAN in Manwich part 2 by Jerry Hinkle

Things have been slowing down at the Hut, which is bad for my bank account, but has given me a little more time to experiment in the kitchen. I picked up another can of Manwich sauce and a pound of ground beef at the County Fair Food Store to see how other people make Manwiches. As I suspected, the Ponderosa beef was leaner, but only slightly so. There was no difference in the taste however. I doubt that I will prepare Manwiches very much, because it's easier to just plop a burger on the George Foreman grill watch the magic happen. It might not be smart, or correct, but that's the way I see it!
God Be with you and do the best you can!

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