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Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Yesterday being Valentines Day worked out rather nice for me. The Public Library, which has become my home office these days, was almost, but not quite full, so I was able to spend the whole day here. It's not always that good here in the big city! For me, it was a good day!
Some people hate Valentine's day for whatever reason. I'm not sure why anyone would want to spend that much energy hating a day, especially a day that comes with it's own variety of chocolate and other goodies, but I'm not here to judge.
There are people who call February 14 "Single Awareness Day" as if the single life was something to be ashamed about. I'm not sure where they are coming from either. After all, married life is tough! You actually have to share your living space with another person. That may be OK for some people, but I guess I'm one that isn't ready for such things. Even when I am a guest in somebody Else's home, it feels funny. I do enjoy being with other people, but sometimes, it's nice to settle back into some peace and quiet, pop some corn and watch a movie or something.
In the movie "My little Chickadee" W.C. Fields tells Mae West, "It is not good for man to be alone!" to which Mae replies, as only she could, "It's no fun for a woman either". I wonder about that sometimes. Not that I hate women, I have a lot of females in my life that I respect greatly. Indeed some of my best friends are women. Still there have been occasions in my life where I started to care too much for one special lady, and her response was to carve my heart like a turkey, and serve it to me with a slice of humble pie.
Valentine's Day is a celebration of love! There are many different kinds of love, just as there are many different kinds of people. We all occupy the same living space, planet Earth. Sometimes, things get difficult, but to me love is more than an emotion, it's a duty. God calls us to love one another, no matter what. We are called to love everyone whether we "feel like it" or not. I hope you do! Life is too short to go around hating anyone or anything, especially the day set aside to celebrate love!

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