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Holabird Advocate

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Friday, November 12, 2010
Yesterday was a legal holiday, which meant the library was closed. I celebrated Veteran's Day at work. I thank God, and our armed forces, for making it possible for me to do that. Freedom to be able to work when we choose is precious, and it come with a price. To me, every day should be Veterans Day. They are the defenders of our freedom! The signers of the Declaration of Independence bought our freedom, but the Minutemen paid the bill. You, the Reader, are free to look at this website because of those noble men, and the men and women that followed. Freedom like that is hard to come by, and should be cherished.
On my Facebook page, I wondered if Fred Phelps celebrated our Veterans, and if so how he did it! For those who may not know, Mr. Phelps is the pastor of a Baptist Church in Kansas, and the man who is at least partly responsible for the picketing that goes on at military funerals. The signs that declare "God hates fags" and other things of a particularly disturbing nature. Earlier this year, Phelps and his group's First Amendment rights were upheld after a fallen soldiers family brought a suit against them. It is, to me, ironic that their First Amendment rights were purchased by a group that they are protesting. It is almost enough to make one laugh, if it wasn't so sad and pathetic.
As for me, I pray for all of our Veterans who are in harms way. I hope they come home when their job is done. I wish there was a way that we could all live in peace with one another. That day will come, and it may be coming sooner than we know, Until then, I'm glad we have our Veterans. From the Minuteman, to the Peacekeeper, they do great job. Let's hope they keep up the good work!

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