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Holabird Advocate

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Friday, June 18, 2010
Highmore, South Dakota, Holabird's neighbor to the east, is hosting Old Settlers Days. It usually takes place on Father's Day Weekend. There are certain things that happen there every time the celebration is put on. There are all matter of entertainment for all kinds of people regardless of age.
The one thing that has been getting the most attention is the alcohol consumption. This is a part of the annual celebration that up until a few years ago went unnoticed. An outsider came to town and saw quite a site at one of the local drinking establishments. it caused quite a ruckus at the time, but no action was taken. It seems that what really got this person going was the fact that an alcohol related death had taken place just 6 months before, and it struck a chord.
I'm not sure if there have been any alcohol related deaths since that one, or since the outsider's remarks were published in the local paper. I certainly hope not. I am sure that the amount of alcohol consumption has not changed in Highmore. That is, however, not necessarily a bad thing.
I've noticed something since moving to the big city. I live withing walking distance of at least 3 drinking establishments. Drinking takes place here. Yes, it does. It takes place in bars, in peoples houses and apartments, and it wouldn't surprise me if it takes place on the DWU campus when nobody is looking. I used to be against the consumption of alcohol, and strongly so. Someone once asked me if I have ever been to the Moonlight Bar. I replied, "That sounds suspiciously like a drinking establishment." A few months later, I went to that place. Now I've found that an occasional drink has not harmed me. After all, I am well passed the age of 21, the age that the US congress has declared that I am magically old enough and responsible enough to do that sort of thing. I do know my limits. I use my best judgement to decide when to stop drinking. If only I could do that at Marlin's at Brunch time. Most importantly of all, I walk home instead of driving. Of course not everyone can do that, but not driving under the influence could save at least one life.
So whether you spend this weekend in Highmore, Mitchell, or East Jesus Nowhere, and you are over the magical age of 21 use the sense God gave you and know your limits. For those under 21, savor the sweet taste of an iced tea, lemonade, or Coke if you must. Of all the drinks I've ever had, chocolate milk is still my favorite. Don't be in a hurry to grow up. You'll get old soon enough. Enjoy your youth while you can.

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