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Holabird Advocate

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Thursday, June 10, 2010
In a previous episode, I wrote about that all consuming passion. You remember, the reason why teachers teach. It sure isn't for the money and prestige. It's because they enjoy it so much that to them it's not work. If they don't have that passion they are wasting time.
I noted that my dad said that if one finds a job that they enjoy they'll never have to work a day in their life. I've come across another realization. there are some people who enjoy certain activities so much that they would do them for no pay at all because of the enjoyment it brings. In the big city, I've come across this a lot.
When DWU students compete in the "Wesleyan Idol" competition, they do it because they enjoy performing. Sure there are cash prizes, but chances of getting them are slim.
It's possible that this is the motivation for "American Idol" I must admit that from time to time I see what passes for talent in the music industry today and I find it appalling. It's no wonder then why a singing competition becomes so popular. When people see someone who is dreadfully lacking in talent like Justin Bieber making it big and "living the dream" as the kids say, it starts people thinking that they can do it too. Simon Cowell himself has admitted that there is a severe lacking of true musical talent in the business.
The "Colgate Country Showdown" played the Corn Palace last year. I slipped in to see what was going down. One of the things that they wanted the audience to judge the contestants on is "Marketability in Country Music". That is the trend I guess. Never mind if they can make the corn shake on the turret! Can they shake their rear end fast enough? How do they look in tight jeans? Do people cheer them on no matter how bad they sound?
Now I have no talent, or marketability. I also lack the third crucial ingredient to assure musical super stardom, a thick skin. However, I must admit that I so enjoy singing, but it's not something that I have to do. I gotta be in the mood. The same goes for pretty much everything I do. When I'm not in the mood for something, and I just go through the motions, it shows. It has to show. I'm sure it's that way for others as well.
Of all the things I've done, acting has been the thing that I enjoy the most. I have used my acting skills quite a bit in life. This is not necessarily a good thing. After all, people won't know what to believe if they only see what I want them to see. Those of you who got in on my blogging early on know that. This whole thing was a put on from the start. When this was the Holabird Advocate, I played the part of a Publisher. Now I play the part of a host. I've done the same thing with the Phreno, as reporter, columnist, and even as senator. Sometimes wonder if I can keep this up, and when or if the day comes when I'll have to be real for a change. I guess we'll see about that someday!

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