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Holabird Advocate

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Publisher Gets First "B"
Well, Jerry Hinkle is no longer an A Student. He just got his grade from the Classics of Christian Thought, and it's his first B since enrolling at DWU. Mind you, all of us here at the Holabird Advocate thought we'd have to report a C- or a D+ when the time came from the way he was carrying on about it. So now, the only way Jerry can be an A student is to act like an ______ from now until graduation day. Actually, a B isn't all that bad. In fact, during his high School years, a B would have been a welcome sight, as well as a stretch.
His other midterm, in Public Service and Leadership, was an A. Yesterday, Dr. Simmons let his students see their marks, and his remarks, in class. He was very kind to our Publisher. He also told the students in that class that their special oral report project is also a Power Point Presentation. Jerry's a little nervous about that. At least he doesn't have to turn in his notes, because he spilled coffee on them.
Ponderosa Prayer List
There are a few people we'd like to lift up in prayer. The family of Emil Eckstien, especially his wife, Betty. Also Mark Durfee's family and friends on his passing. Remember Dot Hansen and her family as they fight another battle in their War on Cancer. We haven't heard from them, so we'll assume God has them taken care of. Be Prayerful, most of all, for Otto Butzman, who is not expected to live out the week. It will be the first time in 65 years that he and Esther will be apart, so pray for her as well. Thanks in advance!
Mitchell Gets Soaked
Since Sunday night, Mitchell has had more than 3 inches of rain. When DWU Campus Pastor, Brandon Vetter, came back from the Habitat for Humanity project, he was asked if he built an ark out there. The Ground has been so soft around campus that students don't walk on the grass, keeping close to the sidewalk.
Learning Outside The Classroom
by Jerry Hinkle
courageous, dynamic Publisher
of the Holabird Advocate
On Monday Night, it was raining quite a bit. It was 10:30 pm or thereabout when I got of at Pizza Hut. On The way home I stopped at a stop sign, looked quickly, too quickly as it turned out, and proceeded to make my turn. It was there that I was almost sideswiped by another car. As it happened, it was a Highway Patrol car. He stopped me, of course, and explained the situation complete with a $104 fine. Had this happened 20 years ago, I'd have been angry, upset and depressed at this turn of events. But I was genuinely grateful to this officer. After all, $104 is cheap compared to the cost of car repair, and a funeral. Not to mention all the people who would have missed me and wondered why I had to die in such a stupid way. It has reminded me that driving is a serious business. This is all the more true at night and it is raining.
I always tell me niece, Shelby that "I get nervous when I drive" because I do. It's a real heck of a responsibility, and one should be nervous. If not for you, then the other drivers. I hope you Readers out there are mindful of that whenever you drive. Don't be in such a hurry that you get in a wreck, or spend $104 on a ticket. Remember to watch out for yourself and other drivers, and hope they do he same.
North of 40: I'm King of the World
by Red Green
I know that in the early stages of child development, they go through a phase when they believe they are the center of the universe. As a parent, it is your job to alter that misconception by trying to convince them to be mindful of others, mainly to be mindful you. It happened to us. Through the experiences of growing up and having teachers and friends and bosses, we all became convinced that we are not the center of our universe. I think this is a mistake. This may be a good policy short term, but in the long run, like when you get to be my age, it's really important to be the focus of your own life. Otherwise, you run the risk of making a 27-year-old Hooters waitress the center of your universe and that will only lead to disappointment as you fall short in oh so many areas. But when you're the one who sets the standard for your universe, you're like a chapter from the Goldilocks story -- everyone different than you is either too young or too old or too big or too small, whereas you are just right. So be the center of your universe. Make all of your decisions based on how it affects you. Live everyday as if you are the Intergalactic Emperor. But don't tell anyone. Especially your wife.

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