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Holabird Advocate

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Second Day of Classes at DWU

Some of us here at the Holabird Advocate are probably thinking after yesterday's edition that the name of this Newsblog should be "Jerry Hinkle DWUS", because he has had quite a few "Gomer Pyle" moments. After a hard day of classes and going to Culver's, he decided to kick back at the Public Library for some peace and quiet. He saw that those computers has Microsoft Word. Things looked a little brighter after that. Jerry saw all of the possible fonts, including Number 12 Times New Roman. He just might make it after all.

His first class of the day was Intro to Public Service. It was at 8 am. Dr. Donald Simmons is the instructor, and he has had quite a career. One of the text books for the course is "George McGovern: A Political Life a Political Legacy". Jerry's first assignment is to read Chapter 7, which talks about Campaign 72. After a while, the gentlemen in the class are going to be required to wear a coat and tie. Jerry has his suit, but did not pack his Tigger necktie. He's better look when he goes to the Ponderosa next time

Next up was Philosophy of Life with Dr. Marvin Miller. There are 6 books that are required reading in that class, and Jerry has them all, so that's good. The first assignment is to read pages 9-58 in "Man's Search For Meaning" by Viktor Frankl. The author is a survivor of the Holocaust. The class also watched a film about the Holocaust. It was quite gruesome, but the bad things in life are like that. Among the assignments here are a 7-8 page double spaced research and reaction paper on a person, group, or movement that represents a contemporary philosophy of life. Students are also called on to write a 2-3 page paper on their own philosophy of life Dr. Miller is something of a legend at this institution. It is not hard to see why!
Courting the Courts
The Holabird Advocate Circulation Department reports getting a hit from someone that has a computer at http://www.uscourts.gov/ . They were searching for "jerry hinkle blog" and it looks like they found it. Now we know where all the judges get their wisdom. Either that, or they read this Newsblog to get rid of some wisdom. We sure don't object either way!
The Hall is Booked
Jerry Hinkle has paid the rent on McGovern Hall up to the end of September. The Landlord has been very understanding, and hoped that it wasn't too much of a stretch. All of us here at the Holabird Advocate are still hoping that God will come through with Culvers or something else soon. Keep on praying!

Update on Bill Zilverberg

by Cheri Bjoke

Jeanne called this evening, They were called about 10:30 this morning and were told the apartment would be ready by 5:00 this afternoon. So, they had to pay for another day in the hotel. But they got moved.
It's definitely a dorm room, with extra long dorm room twin beds on springs! There is a nice little kitchen, a living room/ dining room connected, lots of closets but only one 19" TV, they will have to watch the same shows!
At his appointment today, they said he was doing very well, blood pressure and blood sugar are very good with the medication he's on. He was not to take three meds before having his blood drawn. He was feeling very well, then he had to take those meds and he got dizzy. So, that tells them which ones are doing it to him. But, it is one of the meds he HAS to have. They said his system will get used to it. He's been on it for 21/2 weeks, how much longer must it take?
Anyway their address is:

Bill & Jeanne Zilverberg
920 Delaware ST. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55414

History Doesn't Repeat Itself
by Jerry Hinkle
courageous, dynamic, Publisher
of the Holabird Advocate
It's one of the most quoted sayings in any language. "History repeats itself". We all probably know that it doesn't really literally do that. Still one has to wonder. If history doesn't repeat itself, why do people say it does. It's not the history that repeats, but the result of the same actions over time that repeats.
We have to learn from history or we repeat the same mistakes of the past. After all, nobody invades Poland anymore, because they remember what happened last time such an event took place. Conversely, if someone invades Poland, history tells us to take the event seriously.
As I started to read my assignment for Philosophy of Life, it makes one wonder if we as a human race will ever learn. Many empires and nations have dealt harshly with people of the Jewish faith. They all went down to a very bitter defeat, eventually.
This works for everyday things in life too. Nobody ever picks up a hot cup of coffee the same way twice. They sure never fall in love the same way either. That is, unless they never learn from the past. It's said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing with the anticipation of a different result each time. I tend to believe it

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