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Holabird Advocate

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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
New Puppy at Holabird Pound
Kristi Hinkle has taken in a new Dog. It's a female half German Shepard, half Husky. She looks like a coyote, so Kristi named her Wile E. Coyote. She gets along with the Hinkle kids, and she prefers it outside. Brittany Hinkle has started training her as a 4-H project.
Fame: It's not for Everyone
This morning, as we were watching "The Early Show" on CBS, and they had a story about a high school gymnast that is getting some unwanted attention via the Internet. They call her a "Celebrity". Since none of us at the Holabird Advocate had heard of this girl, we can't believe she is all THAT famous. Fact is, 5 seconds after the story was over, we forgot the girl's name. If she is in fact famous it will blow over soon. Lindsey, Britney, or Paris will find their way into this young gymnast's spotlight before she knows it.
One thing we noticed is that neither she, nor anyone else in her family, appeared as part of the story. This shows us that they genuinely do not want the attention they have been given. Let's hope that it stays that way. We sure don't want her competing with our Publisher on a future season of "Celebrity Fit Club".
North of 40: Touchy About Feel-ly
by Red Green
Most of the experts and all of the wives tell us that generally men are not nearly as communicative as women are. They don't express what they're feeling, and that tends to shut out their friends and loved ones. These people need to know what we're feeling so they can share our good times and help us through the bad. Now, I know their intentions are good, and it would be very nice to have that kind of relationship, but it might be impossible. I don't express my feelings because I don't know what I'm feeling. I don't even know what I'm thinking, and I very rarely know what I'm doing. I often say things just to see how they sound. And there's nothing worse than being forced into defending a position you don't even hold. So the best solution for us is to keep our mouths shut. We may not be communicative to our loved ones, but we include ourselves in that group. Don't worry, it's not a serious problem. Whatever we're feeling is pretty much on the surface. It doesn't need to be said. You don't have to dig deep with us. In most cases, surface strip mining will reveal the whole lode.

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