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Holabird Advocate

Providing all the news we see fit to print since 2002!

Friday, September 01, 2006

VOL. V Issue 9A
Back to School for The Ditty Bops
Oh Dear! It looks like Ms. Abby was caught riding her bike in class. Strict schoolmarm, Ms. Amanda is going to make sure it doesn't happen again. She has her ruler at the ready. If there were more teachers that looked that way, our Publisher would have enjoyed school a lot more than he did.
As it happens this is just the September installment of The Ditty Bops Calendar. The Ladies are just coming off of their bike tour in New York. They will be heading to Eugene and Portland, Oregon later on this month. If only they could stop in Holabird on the way!
Agnes Hahn Doing Better
If things go the way they have been, Agnes Hahn will be out of the hospital sometime tomorrow. Her family stress that at no time was she in any pain. It was only that her heart was beating fast. She is anxious to get home, which is a good sign to the nurses.
The exact cause of Agnes' ailment is not know to us, but it is similar to LaRayne Hinkle's current sickness. LaRayne's doctor claims it's an imbalance of sodium and potassium enzymes or some such thing.
Another Month, Another Dollar
Holabird Advocate Publisher, Jerry Hinkle, reports that he made exactly $1 in interest this month on his ING Orange Savings Account. He has $275 on deposit there. He wishes it was $275,000 so he could make $1,000 a month. With just $8250 on deposit, one could make $1 every day. Every drop of rain in the bucket make it look that much more full!

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