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Holabird Advocate

Providing all the news we see fit to print since 2002!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

VOL. V Issue 7A
It's That Time of the Month
For Fans of The Ditty Bops
For the benefit of those poor unfortunate souls who are unable to turn the pages of The Ditty Bops Calendar for this year, we have this months installment. Whoever decided this would be the July page must have known that their bike tour would be in full swing. Not only that, but that their bikes would need a little fixing this month as well. It's been reported that tires have been known to go flat on this road trip every once in a while. Chains have also slipped, and in one particular case even busted. That guy also busted his nose, but is alright now, even if he may not look it for a while.
The casual observer will notice that not only are the bikinis missing from this months page, but Ms. Amanda is AWOL as well. One can imagine how well our Publisher took to that. July may not start out to be his month, but with his birthday, and Emorymas, to look forward to, things will turn around.
The Bull Goes on at the Ponderosa
The Hinkle family has been a little behind in their Summer work. One thing they have neglected until this morning was getting the bulls out to pasture. This is usually done on June 23, Harold and Mary Hinkle's anniversary. Ah well! Better late than never. This has been a long awaited event for not only the bulls, but the cows as well
Are You Getting "My Daily News"?
All of us here at the Holabird Advocate have enjoyed "My Daily News" ever since someone sent us a story about First Assistant Fire Chief Doug Hinkle doing his bit to keep Pierre out of the flames, and asked our Publisher, Jerry Hinkle, if they were related. Jerry sent away for a free subscription, and has been a subscriber ever since.
If you want to know what's going on in Pierre, or anywhere else on the globe, "My Daily News" is a valuable tool. They even cover our Publisher's former home town of Minot, North Dakota every now and then. Not even Keloland does that.
"My Daily News" is a free service of the Dakota Radio Group. This is an organization that has supplied us with at least two of our most valuable Readers, Rose Gingrich and Jeri Thomas. Ms. Thomas has been reading our little Newsblog just long enough to get a sense of deja vu. It seems that, from time to time we find a story that she, as KGFX news director, has written, or at least edited, and placed it on our front page without giving credit where it was due. That is going to change from here on out. After all, Ms. Thomas deserves to have her work set apart from the usual stuff we do here. It goers without saying that we can't afford the services of a competent professional of her caliber. We can't even afford an incompetent professional.
And while we're at it, let's make sure that everyone who wants "My Daily News" gets it. If any Reader out there wants their own subscription to "My Daily News" the can log on to the Dakota Radio Group website at www.dakotaradiogroup.com, and you can find out what's going on before Jerry does. They send it through the e-mail from Monday-Friday, and they don't always get it done in the morning, but they've never missed a day. Can your local "Daily" paper say that?
What's A Parent To Do?
by Jerry Hinkle
Holabird Advocate Publisher
I don't talk about it much, but I am a parent again. Every once in a while we get a calf with a mother who either dies or doesn't produce good milk. I had a bull calf that this happened to a few years back that I called Stinky Peterson. The reason for that is obvious for those of us who touch cattle on a regular basis. After a while my niece Brittany called him Rosie White face. It was a more descriptive of his appearance than the smell, as this calf was red with a white face. I fed Rosie and kept him tanked up on water, hoping Johnny Cash didn't hear about the name and write a song about it. "A Bull Named Rosie" might sound like a #1 hit to the C&W crowd. As for what eventually happened to Rosie, well we are eating him. Just the delicious parts, I assure you. Hey, I am the founder of PEDA you know!
But know on to this year! This time it was a black calf. The name I picked was "Roosevelt Franklin" Those who watched Sesame Street with me know why he got that name. OOPS! Did I say he? Well, up until Brittany pointed it out, I thought I had another bull, but she's a heifer. That's when the trouble started. Let me explain.
I've had nothing but trouble with Rosevelt-make that Rosie Velt Franklin since he became a she. Rosie is spoiled. Not by me, but buy all of the "help" my did gives. Right now I am giving her milk, but the ration I'm giving is too small according to Old Yeller. She got full of gas and had scours for a while, so he backed down. But this morning was the topper. My dad doesn't approve of the hand full of hay that I dole out, so he got a big fork full. You know was Rosie did? Well of course not, I haven't told you. Rosie decided to use the best alfalfa that money can buy as a toilet. Right there in the middle of that pile of hay, was a pile of, among other things, recycled hay, so to speak.
Dr. Phil's parenting books don't cover this kind of youngster. I'm not sure what to do. Count my blessings, I guess. At least she hasn't run away from home to live with a bum steer. Maybe, in a couple of years, she'll meet a nice registered Angus bull, settle down, and raise a family. Or I could always just eat her!

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