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Holabird Advocate

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Friday, June 16, 2006
VOL. V Issue 6G
Mourning Has Broken
It has been a week since the death of E.E. Hinkle. The usual mourning period is two weeks, but E.E. would want all of us here at the Holabird Advocate to carry on. Life does go on, and so will his family and the community of Holabird. The Ponderosa is looking a little emptier all the time. Only Joyce Ferris remains in her father old house. She'll be gone sometime tomorrow.
E.E.'s funeral was done with as much taste as possible. He had many befitting tributes from those he left behind. Carol Zilverberg gathered 103 flowers, from her own garden and those of her neighbors, to decorate the church. The American Embassy in Seoul, Korea had the Stars and Stripes at half mast and a 24 hour guard in his honor. No reports of flags at half staff anywhere else, however. Perhaps that's a good thing. E.E. Was a humble person who grew weary of honors during the last part of his life. Still it's good to know that anyone from Holabird had the respect of people who were half the world away from us.
Although E.E. is gone, he will not soon be forgotten. Whenever someone is served bacon and eggs for breakfast, or coffee with milk, he'll be there. Whenever we see a field of corn, it will bring an involuntary recall of his experience with growing it in 1937. Whenever people vote for a Democrat, he'll be there as well. He leaves quite a legacy behind. Let's hope his family lives up to it. Such a challenge seems difficult, but they, and the rest of us can do it if we but follow his most important advice, "Just do the best you can!".
Former Holabird Couple Become "Old Settlers"
Carol Zilverberg reports that John and Dorothy Zilverberg of Highmore are this years Old Settlers' King and Queen. John, 93, and Dorothy, 85, started out in Holabird, and lived there for many years before settling for Highmore. Congratulations to them on this wonderful honor.
Mary and Jerry Hinkle will miss the parade this year because they will be riding the floats of their respective high school class reunion. It's the 50th for Mary, the 20th for our courageous, dynamic Publisher.
The Philosophy of Benefits
It has recently been reported in a study from Waldorf College Professor, Kenneth L. Hansen that hard work will pay off with benefits in the future, whereas laziness pays of with benefits right away.
All the World's a Stage
by Jerry Hinkle
Holabird Advocate Publisher
Well, here it is, the first of hopefully not too many of a series of reports on the stages of grief. There are several such stages. The first is denial. This is my grief status. Not denial about death. I was there when it happened, after all. My denial is that I refuse to admit that I will miss my Grandad, or that I have lost anything. I'm not sure that I have as yet, but I can't guarantee that I will always feel that way.
Several well meaning people have offered sympathy and condolences to me. I may not appear to accept them right away. I refuse to feel sorry for myself, however. The people I feel sorry for those who never got to meet Grandad. It's sad to think that a man could live to be 103 and still not meet all those who admire him. They are the one who have suffered a loss, not me. I could get through my "Grief' in a hurry if I could get depressed and angry about those who will never meet Grandad. We'll just have to see how that goes!

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