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Holabird Advocate

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Thursday, July 28, 2005
VOL. IV Issue 7Q

Three Cheers For

Stephanie Herseth
It has been reported that Representative Stephanie Herseth has co-sponsored a bill that aims to protect property owners from broader eminent domain powers granted by a recent Supreme Court decision. Last month, the highest court in the country ruled that a Connecticut city could condemn some private homes to make way for a hotel and convention center. Rep. Herseth says the ruling sets a dangerous precedent that requires Congressional action. The decision prompted Herseth to join Republican Representative Henry Bonilla of Texas in co-sponsoring a House bill that would penalize government bodies that abuse their power to seize property. Under the bill, any agency or economic development commission that improperly takes land from a private owner and gives it to another would lose federal economic development funds. Well, that's something at least. All of us here at the Holabird Advocate want to stand up and cheer for our only voice in the House of Representatives, and thank God there are no photos of Larry Diedrich out there in these poses. (photos courtesy of Blind Orange Julius, Thanks BOJ)

10 Questions With The Watcher

As it says in the Good Book, "Ask and you will receive". SDBWN as most of the South Dakota blogging community calls him has graciously consented to allow us to ask, and you the Holabird Advocate readers to see, 10 questions of him, and 10 answers. Kudos to the Proffessor from SD War College, who originated this format. We'll see if our Publisher learned anything from your lectures. Also thanks to the Watcher for this opportunity. Our cups overflows once again.

1. We don't know who you are. Did your wife ever know you were SDBW Man?

Nobody knew. I tried to tell my wife on several occasions, but she has learned to tune me out.

2. You left us once before this year, and then you came back. Any chance of another comeback, either this year or next?

Not with my own blog. I may make guest appearances on other blogs in the state, but it's not fair to my legion of fans to pop in and out of the blogosphere. I worked very hard to conceal my identity, and despite what anyone might think, the only reason was that my family is very-well known in the state and I never wanted anyone to find them guilty by association. I don't want to leave a trail of electric crumbs that might lead back to me, or my family, so I think it's safe to say that you won't see South Dakota Blog Watch return.

Unless Sibby gets REALLY stupid, and then, who knows.

3. For the Readers' benefit, would you please tell us what it is about the Holabird Advocate that got your attention ?

Bernie Hunhoff first pointed me toward the Holabird Advocate, via his S.D.Magazine blog and I was enchanted by the breadth of subject matter, by the people it introduced me to, and by the non-vitrolic style of writing. But I also like it because I think it's an excellent model for small towns across the state to give people a sort of electronic gathering place to share information. I'm a big fan of small town newspapers, and the Holabird Advocate has all the qualities of the best small town papers.

4. You and your (gulp) lovely wife will come to Bob's Thunderbird in Highmore for prime rib when I get my first $100 from Google, won't you?

We might come by even if you don't hit $100. We'll be in Mitchell, Pierre and Phillip in the next few days and so, who knows? We might just drop by.

5. Do you see Stephanie Herseth becoming a Governor or a Senator in the future?

You mean if her cheerleading career doesn't work out? I would be less surprised to see her run against John Thune next time around for his Senate seat, but I wouldn't expect her to run for governor. She has positioned herself as a moderate Democrat with her votes recently and she would contrast nicely with Thune.

6. How does it feel to have a big shot like Robert Novak asking about you?

Ah, but those days are over. I was but a bright shining star streaking across the S.D. blogosphere, but now those days are but fond memories. I think it's a bigger thrill to have the Holabird Advocate ask you to answer ten questions. I wanted the Professor to ask me ten questions, but the only question he was interested in was, "Who are you?"

7. Todd Epp seems to be the "Go to Guy" about blogging in South Dakota for the MSM. Is there someone else that you think should be?

Nah, Todd enjoys the role and he does a good job being the godfather of blogs in the state. His website, I think, is the most improved among al those that existed when I first began blogging. Watch out for the South Dakota War College. It's the most innovative blog in the state, right now, and P.P. is a good writer and a clear thinker. I think there's always a danger when a blog tries to do too much --- and that's a possibility with SDWC; I think it was its best when it stayed tightly focused on the machination of politics -- but I predict that it will be the most visited Republican blog in the state by this time next year.

8. Now that you have stopped blogging, which blog should We look to for inspiration?

www.hamsterdance.com No wait, that's not a blog. Uh, tough question. So many of the blogs have so much to offer. And a few have nothing to offer. If Gutzon Borglum ever gets back from his vacation, I might say that one.

9. Have you ever noticed that Keloland's Jodi Schwan looks like Linda the receptionist from the TV show "Becker"?

No. But I have noticed that Angela Kennecke looks a bit like Hillary Clinton on a bad day.

10. What's your favorite Johnny Cash song?

How did you know I was a huge Johnny Cash fan? Amazing research department you have there. Next to Willie Nelson, J.C. is my favorite country artist. I like his old stuff, but also think some of his later albums were brilliant, particularly American Recordings. My favorite song is "Delia's Gone."

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